Tuesday 2 October 2012

Preliminary Feedback

We had 19 visitors come to view our draft video of 'An Online Web of Lies' in order to give us feedback so we could make improvements.

1. Do you understand the story line?
18/19 Said Yes
However, the film was viewed twice and from the verbal feedback afterwards many people agreed that the second viewing helped them understand what was going on.
To improve understanding the first time around, we will add a statistic at the beginning about how many people hide behind fake identities online. We will also add in the scene where Alex walks into the cafe as we realised that it had been missed out and would help the story more.

2. Do you think the clips were edited together well and that the film runs smoothly?
13/19 people agreed 'yes' with no comments.
2/19 people agreed 'yes' but with a comment on improvement.
3/19 people said 'no' with comments on improvement.
1/19 people were unsure but gave us a comment.
The main issue everyone had with the editing was the part where Jacob walks up the ramp and into the cafe - the clip jolts almost and doesn't run smoothly. It is also blended weirdly with the clip before it. Another comment was that the part where Jacob's eyes move, after Rosy (that's me:D) leaves was too short.
To improve we will look at the section where Jacob walks in and see what's gone wrong there and make the 'moving eyes' section a bit longer - maybe from side to side instead of in a circle?

3. Do you feel the music fitted the clips?
14/19 people agreed 'yes.'
2/19 people agreed 'no'.
1/19 people said 'there needs to be more'
2/19 people agreed 'partly'
From this question there wasn't much feedback on how to improve. 2 people thought that the music didn't fit the surroundings and 1 person thought that the transitions were a little shaky.
To improve we will fade the music a bit more - we were thinking about this anyway! However, we're not sure about the comments that the type of music wasn't right as we feel it gave the eerie impression that something was going to happen.

4. Do you think the sound effects were effective?
19/19 people agreed 'yes'.
1 person gave us a suggestion - We were told it was very effective at the beginning but harder to decipher later.
To improve, we'll just watch it again and make sure the sound effects are clear but other than that we rocked this question!

5. Do you think the text idea was used appropriately?
18/19 people agreed 'yes.'
1/19 people agreed 'no'.
There were two slight problems with the text, one of which we had already considered and were planning changing. Someone commented that it was hard to read the light text on the against the background and another person suggested we don't make the text bounce as it makes it easier to concentrate if it's still.
To improve we will mess around some more with which colours stand out more on the background, we might make it slightly darker but not too dark. With the problem of the text bouncing, we are going to leave it. This is because the text doesn't bounce too much, it just pops up and it needs to pop up to make it more like an online conversation.

6. Overall, what did you think of our preliminary film?
2/19 people gave us 6/10
3/19 people gave us 7/10
9/19 people gave us 8/10
2/19 people gave us 9/10
2/19 people gave us 10/10
1/19 people gave us 11/10

We will improve by just going through the feedback and adjusting certain things, fine tuning the film.

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