Monday 24 September 2012

'Captain America'

'Captain America: The First Avenger'

 I watched 'Captian America' the other night. I don't usually like really 'righteous' and overly 'good' characters (and the whole idea of Captain America to me is just a bit 'eeshk') as I feel they have no depth, however, I couldn't help but adore the main character! I think this was most due to three main factors; a suprising amount of the film actually shows the character before he attains his powers, much more so than in most films of it's style. This scrawny little man with the big heart is very likeable, and he doesn't lose these important qualities even after the experiment. Secondly, he's actually pretty cool, I mean, I just love the whole 'armyness' of his character, and that the costume actually has some context in the narrative, which was all very interesting in itself as a sub-plot, it really showed the characters growth and the time that the story is set in. This was a brilliant aspect of the film, the whole World War II era stuff was just AMAZING! The third and final thing that made him likeable was his friends. I mean, his friend from the army was pretty cool and when I first saw that he was friends with someone with the surname 'Stark', I immidiately saw the connection to Iron Man and got very very very excited! A guy with cool friends has got to be pretty cool himself, right?
 I also thought the ending really was very sad. When I first saw 'Avengers Assemble' I did not care for the Captain in the slightest. But, having seen his back story, I can really see the sadness of his past and understand that he is just a man out of his time, and his views and opinions are just a little old for modern day.
 Next on the list of Marvel films is 'Iron Man', followed by 'Iron Man 2' (which I've never seen!) and 'Thor' (again, never seen) and tehn the grand finale of the amazing Joss Whedon's incredible 'Avengers Assemble'!

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